✨Handcarved soapstone mortar and pestle with green and natural Tree of Life design
✨Mortar bowl is about 3.61 inches wide and 2.46 inches tall (9.2 cm wide x 6.2 cm tall)
✨Pestle measures about 3.72 x 1.3 inches (9.4 x 3.3 cm)
✨Handmade & infused with Reiki energy
✨Great for gift giving!
✨Each order comes with printed information and a bonus crystal!
Mortar and Pestles are extremely helpful tools that we use within the craft in order to grind, mix, blend or to combine components. Usually mortar and pestles are made to be used in combination with herbs. The mortar and pestle is a spiritual tool representing the unification of the male and the female; the phallic symbol of the pestle and the womb symbol of the mortar. Perceiving the tool as the mundane aspect of male and female, as well as the divine God and Goddess, is a powerful aid in our magickal workings. It is a vessel of transformation and by utilizing the energy put into the tool, the user can transform a mundane ingredient into a sacred form. A new mortar and pestle should be blessed simply by using it. Putting your energy into the grinding motion that comes natural with this tool is exactly the kind of energy needed to begin to bond with it. To season a new mortar, fill it at least half way with raw rice. Working the pestle very strongly against the mortar fills in the tiny crevices and removes any small bits of stone left behind. Take some time each day or night working the rice against the walls of the mortar for about a week. This is an excellent technique to use when refreshing the mortar after working with a particularly sticky resin, or just after a long time of use with different products. It is recommended that you own at least two mortar and pestles. If you grind down herbs for medicinal use, you will want to keep this one separate from the one you would use to grind down resins and other materials that are toxic if ingested. Some like to keep one for herbs and one for resins and woods. Use your best judgment, but keep safety in mind.
--The Tree of Life symbol has many meanings across cultures, religions, and philosophies, but it often represents the interconnectedness of all life. Here are some of the ways the Tree of Life symbol is interpreted:
--Connection: The tree's roots reach deep into the earth, while its branches extend upward, symbolizing the connection between the earth and sky.
--Balance and harmony: The tree is said to connect heaven, earth, and the underworld, representing balance and harmony in all worlds.
--Eternal life: The early Christian church adopted the Tree of Life symbol to represent the belief in eternal life in heaven with God.
--Longevity, rebirth, and renewal: Trees were thought to symbolize longevity, rebirth, and renewal.
Strength and wisdom: Trees were believed to symbolize strength and wisdom.
--Ancestors: Trees were believed to be the reincarnated forms of our ancestors.
--In myths, the Tree of Life is often protected by supernatural guardians, and its fruits grant immortality to those who eat them.
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