When you feel stressed, overwhelmed, attacked, or lost you can use this prayer to call for White Light and protection:
I call upon my Higher Power and ask to be surrounded by Divine Light, with my team of Guides, Angels, and Ancestors who can most support me now. Surround me fully and completely with Divine White Light.
I ask that the white light fill and surround me, completely cleansing and purifying my mind, body, and spirit. Protect me, allowing the pure Divine guidance of my Higher Power, Guides, Angels and Ancestors to flow through and yet, block out any and all negativity, lower vibrational energy, or entities.
I ask that the Divine White Light fill my home, raising the vibration and cleansing out any and all negativity.
I ask that the Divine White Light clearly illuminate my highest possible path before me.
Help me to see the opportunities, to witness the blessings, to experience the miracles, joy, and true fulfillment that are all available to me on my path.

What is White Light? https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/post/white-light-protection-what-is-it
White Light Visualization https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/post/white-light-protection-visualization