What is this chakra all about? Keep reading and feel free to save the photos for later. I also have a Sacral Chakra Reiki Activation video to use in meditation or to listen to for focused healing.
Located above the pubic bone and below the navel and encompasses the genital region and the hypogastric plexus. The word Svadhisthana means “the dwelling place of the self,” in Sanskrit and the element of the second chakra is water, which equals cohesiveness. It is visualized as a bright orange color and is represented by a six-petal lotus flower. A balanced second chakra leads to feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy. When your sacral chakra is balanced you are able to feel, experience, and enjoy life to its fullest. The Sacral Chakra is connected to your creativity, sexuality, and your journey of discovery in the world.
The focus of this chakra is creativity, feeling comfortable in your body, and pure joy.
**Trigger Warning** When we experience sexual, emotional, or physical abuse this can deeply impact our second chakra. TThe Sacral Chakra is where we store the shame and guilt (not our fault) for abuse that others committed against us. Abuse that is either remembered or repressed causes negative energy to block this chakra and prevent us from enjoying the sweetness of life and being able to be open with others, even those that we love deeply. It is proven that when we experience trauma, our bodies store it, along with our memories, our psyche and our soul. When we experience sexual trauma, our second chakra (the energetic center around the sacral area of the sex organs) can be thrown out of balance and cause disassociation. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I feel that this is the chakra I have to work on the most and give the most attention and healing energy to. Everyone's healing journey is different. You should only do what you feel comfortable and ready to do. Here is some information and ideas that have helped me, and I pray that they can help you too if you have experienced something similar.
Imbalances in the Sacral Chakra
When this chakra is out of balance, a person may experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions. One may also feel tired, insecure, or like they are not being their authentic self. If you are working on a project or creative idea, it is important that your Sacral Chakra is open and balanced in order for reiki energy to flow to you and through you.
How to Balance Svadhisthana
Chakra balancing is the process of restoring the harmonious and balanced flow of prana or energy throughout the body. Your chakras are in constant fluctuation. Practicing chakra balancing each day can empower you to feel better and achieve more. Some ways to balance your Sacral Chakra are:
Connect With Water
Creative Play
Work with and wear the color orange
Incorporate Sacral Chakra essential oils, crystals, and foods (more below!)
Sit with your emotions. Feel, assess, process
Sing and dance to your favorite songs and express yourself with your body movements
Meditate and visualize an orange lotus flower
Sexual trauma healing and meditation
Sacral Chakra Healing/Balancing Essential Oils-
-Orange -Ylang Ylang -Jasmine -Bergamot -Rosewood -Neroli -Clary Sage

Sacral Chakra Healing/Balancing Crystals-
-Carnelian -Sunstone -Orange Calcite -Shiva Lingham -Moonstone -Golden Topaz

Sacral Chakra Healing/Balancing Foods-
-Oranges -Butternut Squash -Cantaloupe -Peaches -Sweet Potatoes -Pumpkin -Persimmons

Sacral Chakra Affirmations-
-I am living a pleasurable life. -I am grateful for the joy of being me. -I trust my feelings and give them room for expression. -I embrace and celebrate my sensuality. -I allow my creativity to flow through me freely. -I am radiant, beautiful, and full of light. -I honor my body and my healing. -I know my worth and demand respect. -I am flexible, adaptable, and open to change.

Reiki Energy Healing Frequency for the Sacral Chakra- 417 Hz Video:
Crown Chakra:
Third Eye Chakra:
Throat Chakra:
Heart Chakra:
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Sacral Chakra:
Root Chakra: