Don't panic! Mercury Retrograde is approaching
but it doesn't have to be the doom and gloom period we have all come to know and loathe. I will be posting ideas and tips to help you power through, like a boss! It can be hard... but it doesn't have to suck. Do whatever you can to remain centered, calm, and positive. Remove yourself from negative people and surround yourself with those who lift you up! Ground yourself in nature, meditate, take a salt bath, and light a candle. Be proactive and try to see the good in everything.
Astrologers believe that during the perceived backwards motion of the planet Mercury, technology and communication could get disrupted and it can put a damper on anyone's mood. You may already know the Mercury retrograde drill: Expect typos, tech troubles, miscommunication, misunderstandings, and missed appointments galore. You’ll want to double check your texts and think through your words before firing off.
Your ex might come out of the woodwork with a "heyyyy" and you can feel like negative events keep taking place. You may want to put off making any big decisions and avoid travel. Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth... so it is better to wait on signing important documents during this time.

Okay I wouldn't go so far as to say "not caring" but definitely armed and ready! I started making Mercury Retrograde candles for myself and family to help bring protective and uplifting energy for whenever this period rolls around. I also sell them with obsidian crystals as kits of different sizes. They are all handled with great care and infused with reiki energy. They come in packs of 1-5 candles and crystals.
