Mercury Retrograde occurs three times a year and it gets a whole lot of blame. (We are currently in it from April 21- May 14) Did your ex pop up? Is your technology acting wacky? Do you feel stuck or like you are not able to move forward? Blame it on the Mercury Retrograde. So what is this thing all about?
Mercury Retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth. Astrologers believe that during this perceivd backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting moods and emotions in backwards motion.
How can Mercuy Retrograde affect you?
Mercury is known by astrologers as the planet to rule expressioation in the astrological realm. Some astrologers believe it can lead to...n and communication. It is thought that this retrograde motion will have a negative connot
Fallings out with friends
Experiencing misunderstandings
Travel, logic and communication getting disrupted
Emails getting lost
Flights being delayed
Technical glitches and machinery breaking down
Don’t make any important moves when Mercury is retrograde. Nothing will be settled successfully for the future during these periods anyway – you will find it nearly impossible to nail down a plan. During a retrograde period, it is hard to get decisions from others. Even if a decision is made, it will be subject to change, either just after Mercury turns to direct motion or much later.
The important thing is to look at the retrograde as a period of time to reflect, pause, and focus on self-care and communication. Think of this time as a forced "slow down" and get your goals and intentions back on track. Work on the existing projects that you have and make a plan for how to make 2023 your best year yet!
If you are feeling stressed or need some grounding, as a reiki master I have created this reiki energy healing video to help bring stability and calm. The 432 frequency gives a person a strong relaxation sense. 432 Hz frequency music ensures the brain is tuned to the earth frequency. The frequency will resonate inside a person’s body, thereby releasing any emotional blockage and align the person with the universe’s heartbeat. The 432 frequency music heightens perception, increases the mental clarity of a person and unlocks intuition.
Here are some tips to help you with last few weeks of the FINAL retrograde of the year!
These crystals are all available in my shop:

Blue Apatite: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-blue-apatite-tower-wand
Sodalite: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-large-sodalite-tumbled-crystal
Labradorite: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-large-flashy-labradorite-freeform-crystal-you-pick
Lapis Lazuli: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-lapis-lazuli-intuition-power-bracelet
Black Tourmaline: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-black-tourmaline-rods
Arfvedsonite: https://www.poppiesandmoonstones.com/product-page/supercharged-arfvedsonite-tower-wand