💥🌱💖🛸Check out what the first full moon of 2022 may have in store for your sign🛸💖🌱💥
...don't forget to stop by my free live ritual (free readings, group intention candle, and personal candles) to connect and receive guidance:
ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19) You may be feeling like Dorothy right now as you click your heels together (ruby red slippers optional) and say "there's no place like home!" The full moon is falling in your fourth house and has you focused on domestic concerns and your close personal connections. This full moon invites you to focus on family bonds and the things that need to be worked through. You may be called on to help someone... and remember that all the love and positive energy you put out will come back to you. Don't forget to focus on yourself too, Aries. Self love is key right now... along with her sister- self care. You can't take care of everyone and serve yourself last. Refill your cup and lean into some special treat or activity that will make your soul feel good. You deserve it.
TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20) Hey Taurus! With the full moon in Cancer lighting up your third house of communication and information, you may feel like you are in information overload right now. Harness the energy and take back your power by shutting out the noise and getting clear on what YOU want from 2022. Set intentions and make a plan. Important conversations and shifts are coming for you in the next few weeks so make sure you are open and able to recognize them as they arrive. Less being a bull right now and more channeling of your inner eagle. Get the highest perspective and be ready to observe so you know what actions to take. Don't worry if you feel like you are behind. You have plenty of time and things will come together exactly as they should because you are wise, patient, and have a heart full of gratitude.
GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) Boss Babe. Goal Getter. Alchemist. That's you right now, my Gemini friends. The full moon falls in your second house of work, security, and money... so that's probably what is on your mind as you are on your grind. Set goals and effective habits and schedules now... the full moon will have supercharge your success to get it done and give give an extra boost for follow through. Consistency is going to be the key to your success. One step at a time and you will get to where you want to be before you know it. Good news is coming for you in regard to work. The hard times are ending and your amazing soul is going to be rewarded.
CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22) Winner winner chicken dinner! The first full moon of 2022 is in your sign, Cancer. Falling in your first house, this full moon is all about your identity and also new beginnings. Right now is the time to grab (with both hands) the project or goal that you have been working on, and go for it with all you have. Strap on your superhero jetpack and head to the stars. Right now your success is guaranteed if your intentions are pure and you are willing to take dedicated action. This is a great time to do the thing you have been putting off, have the conversations that need to happen, and just embrace who you are- fully and unapologetically. You're perfect. Don't forget it.
LEO (JULY 23- AUGUST 22) Leo... you know the song. I won't sing it to you. Now is the time to let it goooooo.... let it gooooooooo! This full moon falls in your twelfth house which has to do with healing, moving on, and a time of transition. If you are facing a situation that is difficult, the advice here is to take the time to really assess it. What can you do? Can you change it? Why do you want to change it? Your time in meditation and reflection will help give you the answers you seek and the insight you want. At the end of the day, remember that some things don't work out... and that's okay. There is a reason and purpose to everything. You can't live your bomb ass future if you are stuck in the past. You are making the life of your dreams. The path will appear with each step forward.
VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22) Virgo, this full moon is falling in your eleventh house that has to do with teamwork and technology. There may be an "I" in Virgo, but there isn't one in "team." Right now you are being called to collaborate, seek common ground, and remember that teamwork makes the dream work. You are smart, talented, and driven. Those are amazing qualities (take time to appreciate how fantastic you are) but you can't do it all yourself. You are going to burn out and may feel resentful to boot. Find ways to delegate and communicate your needs. If people don't like it: the best thing to do is to avert the dramatic vibes, breathe through it, and remind everyone that it’s better to bring love into the world and not negativity. You are wise wise wise.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22) If you are feeling a burst of energy and confidence, Libra, is may be because this full moon falls in your tenth house which rules career, goals, and the recognition of others. Keep grinding! Keep going after what you want. You're a winner, baby. As you shine you inspire others to shine too. This full moon period may also have an important conversation with a man in your life. Be open and expressive. Now isn't the time to be meek or hold things back. Your honesty will be rewarded. You are love.You are lovable. When you love and value yourself you set the expectation for others to do the same.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21) Scorpio, dear Scorpio... this full moon lights up your ninth house of expansion and calls on you to look at the big picture. You are not meant for a small life.You're freaking Scorpio! The scorpion who feels so deeply, loves so fully, and is so honestly yourself. You are made of stardust and made for big things... so dream big and set your sights higher. As you push past your comfort zone you will see more opportunities and blessings come into your life. Don't let a setback get you down... find a way over, around, or through it. Success will be yours.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 – DEC. 21) Time to dive into the deep end of the unknown, brave Sagittarius. The full moon illuminates your eighth house of intimacy, privacy, and your core self. The full moon will most likely have your emotions running high as you feel everything with magnification. It's important to feel your feelings and allow yourself to work through and process them. Pushing them down will only hurt you in the long run. It's okay to have some catharsis and release but first you need to see things for what they truly are. You may feel extraordinarily close to your partner right now... or like you are out of sync. Both feelings are okay and valid. You can change the narrative (if necessary) with a special act of love or extra time and communication.
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19) Change is in the air under this full moon for you, Capricorn. The full moon lands in your seventh house, committed relationships, and may signal that important changes are coming. This doesn't have to be make it or break it stuff... but shifts are happening. Breakthroughs may be at hand. During this full moon, make sure your relationships feel balanced and mutual. And don't be afraid to ask for what you need, either. If you’re happy, you could have a transformative revelation to grow closer. If you aren't feeling solid... be careful in what you say and do because once said it can't always be take back and hurts can live on. You know what you want... what you need... what you deserve. Stand up and take it, with trust in the plan for your life.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18) You might be feeling the healthy spirit of joy and enthusiasm under this full moon, Aquarius, as it falls into your sixth house of health and organization. Now is the time to set goals and really focus on your "why." Establish intentions that are in alignment with your soul and incorporate the trinity of soul-mind-body focus to ensure success. Make sure there is a healthy work/home balance in your life. You need to make that 💰 but you also want to have a happy home to come back to at the end of a long day. Do something special for the people who matter the most... it will have a big impact!
PISCES (FEB. 19 – MARCH 20) The full moon is shining in your fifth house of expression and creativity my Pisces Power Fish! If you've been bottling anything up, it could come out now... which isn't necessarily a bad thing! Prepare to feel a surge of passion near this time, Pisces. You’re ready to let loose and have a bit of fun. You deserve it, dammit. 😂 If you are single, now is the time to open your heart. Love may be just around the corner... but you need to be open to seeing it. It might not look like exactly what you were planning but life has a funny way of surprising you and giving you what you need. Get after it!

Need a quick chakra reset? Here is a four minute Reiki-charged cleansing video I made for healing:
Lots of love, Katherine

(In younger form)