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Fall Equinox Ritual for Balance, Self-Care, and Healing

On this very special day of the year, the day and night are of roughly equal length, bringing a balance between light and dark. This mirrors the energy of the Sign of the Scales; the influence we will be under during the next four weeks. As an archetype, Libra is an intellectual air sign that weighs two sides of each story. Ruled by lover Venus, Libra seeks to create harmony, refinement, and balance.

The Fall Equinox, however, is also an absolute reset in energy, as the astrological chart of this exact moment will color the energy from now until the arrival of the Winter Solstice on December 21st. When pulling the chart of the Winter Solstice, the first noticeable aspect is a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury Retrograde, making this day ideal for downloading rare insights that will help us create balance in the season ahead.

The following ritual is designed to open our minds and hearts while also communicating our desire to seek a deep Soul-Universe communion in the month and season ahead.

The Ritual

You will need:

- A piece of Rose Quartz

- A pink candle

-Rose (or other sweet) essential oil

-A small bowl of fruit juice


-Begin by cleansing your candle with saltwater, Sage, or Palo Santo to remove any unwanted energies from it.

-Next, anoint your candle from wick to base with the essential oil. Set your dish with juice next to the candle as an offering to Venus and begin to take several deep, cleansing breaths.

-Once you feel calm and tapped into your intuition, light your candle, visualizing yourself immersed in a beautiful pink bubble of love and light. Allow yourself to feel the bliss and once you feel ready, repeat the following mantras as many times as you like:

  • “Like lover Venus, I seek perfect balance and harmony in my life.”

  • “Like the Moon, I shine light on my emotional richness and resilience.”

  • “As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe so the soul.”

  • "I remove all blockages and mindsets that are limiting me and I step into my power."

-Hold your rose quartz to your heart and head as you repeat the mantras. Infuse it with the energy of your words and run it over the flame to seal in intention.

-Allow your candle to burn down completely, then leave the juice absorbing the rays of the Moon and the next day, pour the juice into your favorite outdoor plant.


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