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Card of the Day- September 21, 2022

🌿🛸💖September 21, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙BIRTH OF VENUS💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)

💥AFFIRM-  I prioritize my wants and needs to fulfill that of which my heart and soul long for. I embrace my worth and call in all Divine relationships who will support me on my journey.

⚡️KEY WORDS: Inner-worth, Romance, Heart Chakra⚡️

The planet Venus is known as the morning star... the biggest and brightest star in our night sky. She is the goddess of love, romance, and inner healing. She brings divine balance and harmony to all who call upon her. She helps us see that the divine love we seek is within ourselves first. She fans the flames of passion and desire, invoking not only romantic love but a lust for life.

✨️She whispers to your soul that you are worth so much more than you realize.✨️

We encounter many types of people on our journey, at times we enter into connections without fully evaluating how we feel about it. We ignore the inner knowing which hints that these connections are not in alignment with our divine purpose. Part of the journey is learning that you are worthy of divine love, even if you are interrupted by inner doubts. We are born as pure, loving beings, and it is in our nature to live and radiate this frequency. Embracing yourself as an embodiment of this vibration gives your soul permission to call in divine counterparts.

Call on the light of Venus to help guide you into reconnecting with the remembrance that you are worthy of divine love. Ask Venus to assist you in finding connections that are in true alignment with you and your soul's journey.


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