🌿🛸💖September 2, 2023💖🛸🌿

EOSTERE: Rising. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle)
Eostre is the Germanic goddess of dawn who is celebrated during the Spring Equinox. Eostre was said to have the divinity of the radiant dawn, of the new light that brings joy and blessing, she represented fertility, spring, flowers and rebirth. On the old Germanic calendar, the equivalent month to April was called “Ōstarmānod” – or Easter-month. As a holiday, Easter predates Christianity and was originally the name for Spring Equinox celebrations.
️--Affirm: I appreciate the early stages and know that they are integral to the journey.
--Your Message: Everything germinates from somewhere small... you're receiving this message to quell your impatience and to believe in the ascension of your desires without pressuring them.
A human is grown from the tiniest cells, a society changes via many individual decisions, a business starts in the corner of a passionate mind, and a great love begins with the flash of a spark. Impact is made first by these seemingly insignificant motions.
You are being reminded that there comes a certain peace and contentment once you embrace living fully in the beginning stages of any journey- whether it be a relationship or venture or whatever falls in between. Calm your mind, and imagine these desires as a beam of golden light rising to the ether. Have patience and hold space.
#eostere #rising #starseed #prism.and.fleur #terraqigoddessoracle