🌿🛸💖September 1, 2023💖🛸🌿

ELEOS: Generosity. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle)
Eleos is the Greek goddess of mercy, pity, compassion, and clemency, her Roman counterpart is Clementia. She is the child of Nyx and Erebus. Kind, compassionate, gentle, she gives succor to all who ask for it. She is has been described as “among all the gods [is] the most useful to human life in all its vicissitudes.”
️🍄Affirm: I give and I receive.
🌱Your Message: What you give, you will have return to you for this is the cyclical nature of the law of attraction. Make no mistake, the Universe knows no bounds and there's an infinite supply for all who exist.
You are being reminded that there is no need for you to cling to possessions, finances, or routines. Turn your focus outward and find ways to share yourself (or your resources) with those around you and it will bring a far greater feeling of fulfillment and happiness.
Generosity must be incorporated into your life, however small or large the efforts, for they are impactful.
#eleos #generosity #starseed #prism.and.fleur #terraqigoddessoracle