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Card of the Day- October 6, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖October 6, 2023💖🛸🌿

BRIGID (Mists of Avalon Oracle Cards) Reignite the light of passion inside you that has burned down to a flicker. Take some time to plan and plot a course of action that will ignite your passion again. Restore your weariness refuel your soul energy so you can achieve all you have set your heart's desire on. As the goddess of eternal flame Brigid is revered both as goddess and saint. Legend tells of how a tower of flames burst forth from her forehead when she was born at sunrise. She is the beacon you seek, she is your internal goddess of passion and vitality, the one who gives life to everything that you do. You are asked to reconnect with your sacred energy, your passion that burns brightly and shows you the way to your happiness. Brigid is the goddess of fire and a triple goddess who watches over birthing. It is her energy that will birth your renewed passion for living your life with fulfillment and joy. If you are feeling uninspired. Brigid reassures you that this passivity too shall pass. Brigid is within you. Brigid asks that you plan a restorative time to revive your energy when your inner life force is depleted. Brigid will refuel and refill your empty cauldron of inspiration and ignite in you the passion and determination you need to follow your personal path to empowerment.

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