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Card of the Day- October 31, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖October 31, 2023💖🛸🌿

THE KING OF THE FAERIE REALM (Mists of Avalon Oracle Cards) Renewal doesn't just happen… you must take a journey into the shadow self, the dark abyss, facing all the aspects of yourself that bring up challenges, fears, and everything you have buried deep within. You must clear the way for new life. It's in clearing our past that we can create a path to a renewed future.

Gwyn ap Nudd is the King of the Fairy Realm, Lord of the Wild Hunt and of the Otherworld. He's made an appearance from his Otherworldly realm to initiate you into the wisdom of the order of life and death. He gathers the souls of the dead to the Otherworld each Samhain through the portal under the hollow terraced hill of the Tor. At his heels the Cŵn Annwn, the white spectral hounds of Annwn, give chase. The King of the Faeries asks you to ride with him through the gates of Annwn to be rebirthed into the new you. This card invites you to journey into the underworld of your psyche where darkness resides, to release the things that are holding you back. Put the past behind you, forgive, and let go of past wounding. There has to be a balance between holding on to what is of lasting value and discarding that which is outdated and no longer serves you on the quest to becoming whole. Decide what memories are holding you in the past... it's an emptying the old that we are ready for a new beginning. We then open ourselves to magic. Your ancestors have a clear message for you today: Know that you are ready and able to take action and claim your birthright of power. You have the support of those who came before you. There may be challenges or struggles but you have everything you need to overcome them. You will prevail and you are never alone. A gels and ancestors walk beside you. Mantra - I let go of the old and embrace the new.

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