SWEET SURRENDER (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
✨️️️Let it Go- Clear the Air- Activate Grace✨
Choose the mantra that resonates:
1) I surrender the narratives that have kept me feeling small. I have the strength, resilience, and wisdom to overcome any obstacle. I can achieve my dreams.
2) I surrender the negative self-talk. I replace it with positive affirmations and reminders of self-love and compassion. I am a beautiful person, inside and out.
3) I surrender fear and doubt and choose to embrace courage and faith. I will emerge stronger through the turbulence I am faced with and I will be a light for others.
4) I surrender all resentment as I learn to practice even more forgiveness, both inner and outer. I no longer need to carry this weight. I let it go with love.
5) I surrender the need for perfectionism, and I celebrate the imperfections. I love the unique way I choose to do things in my own time, and I am safe to be myself.
6) I surrender resistance and the need to control my situations and surroundings. I embrace and celebrate the seasons of life and trust that things will unfold in their own divine timing.
7) I surrender attachments to outcomes, people, or expectations. I welcome this present moment. I see the impermanence of things and find joy in this beautiful journey. I am carving my own path.
Ask yourself: "What do I need to surrender or release?"