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Card of the Day- October 24, 2022

Writer's picture: Katherine ObregonKatherine Obregon

🌿🛸💖October 24, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙VOYAGE💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)

💥AFFIRM-  I seek that which is also seeking me. I embrace all that is meant for me. I allow the cosmic flow of the divine universe to guide my way, wherever it may lead me.

⚡️KEY WORDS: Pilgrimage, Hearing the Call, Path Less Traveled⚡️

There, just in front of you, stand the pillars of the unknown. That portal of old is open to anyone who may have the courage to travel through. They are the gates of the long forgotten odyssey. They are the pillars of strength and wisdom that call unto you and let you know that it is time to go. These uncharted territories summoned you to pursue them... calling to the hidden depths and dreams inside of you. Whispering to the desires that are only known for to you and never spoken. Many heed the call but abandon the pursuit for fear it will not manifest their dreams. They think that maybe the dream is too grand and it couldn't possibly be meant for them. They believe the dream could only be achieved through miracles, magic, and even divine intervention.

What if that was not the case? Maybe, just maybe, embracing the journey is exactly the thing that manifests your secret desires. What if you took the steps? What if you succeeded in manifesting those visions? They were placed inside you, like seed in the ground, hoping to be nurtured so it could bloom. Surrender to it, embrace it, become it! Those hazy visions are not just a mirage. They are the flickers of your future, all possibilities ready to embrace you. The call to voyage into new, uncharted territories is calling you… are you ready?

In the end, when you look back on all that was, you will be satisfied with your endeavors.


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