SECRET GARDEN (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
✨️️️Planting New Seeds- Hidden Dreams- Nourishment✨
If you feel as though you have been through a time of drought (or if you are nervous about coming out of your shell in some way) take time to find your own safe space to cultivate your dreams. It is perfectly okay to test the waters. Without a little dose of fear, you would not be able to fully gauge what is comfortable and true. Imagine yourself taking a soothing stroll through the garden of your life. What do you see growing in the natural landscape? What would you like to see bloom even more? Where are you feeling a sense of depletion? Are there areas that need some attention?
The message of this card is of safety and protection. You may be looking for assurance that a decision you are about to make is in your best interest. This card represents a protected place where you may more easily connect with your Higher Self and tune in to the wisdom and integrity that dwells within. In this secret garden you are safe and protected by this powerful guide. You need not let doubt and fear cloud your vision. You may be assured that as you calmly intend a positive result and envision the outcome as already complete, you are setting into motion the things that you seek.
Ask yourself: "What new growth am I suppressing or needing to release?"