🌿🛸💖October 19, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙HEALING WATERS OF MINTAKA💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)
💥AFFIRM- I call for the reformation of subconscious thoughts that are unknowingly activated, triggering unwanted perpetual physical and behavioral loops that no longer serve me on my journey.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Clarity, Lucidity, Reformation of Thoughts⚡️
Mintaka is a double star system found within the constellation of Orion and it is known as a water seed planet. Their divine gift to the universe is the element of water, as each planet the sustains life must be given this special variable to allow life to bloom. Though all the waters on Earth were seeded from Mintaka, there are a few sacred places who hold these ancient waters untouched by humans since the beginning of our time. These are mystical places protected by spirit and our only connection is through prayer and meditation.
The waters on the planet of Mintaka are said to be as clear as glass. Where we can only see so far within the waters here on Earth, on Mintaka, there is incredible clarity. This is why we call on that frequency to remove all obstructions so we can vibrate at a higher level. This type of clarity also assists in reformation of our thought patterns and aids in the deep emotional healing. There cannot be emotional healing without first clarifying the mind. You are also being reminded that you have the ability and choice to see the potential in all people and situations. A final message for you may be that you might be called to bring to light any unconscious patterns of which you’re unaware. To look at them and see them clearly and consciously so they don’t appear in your life as fate. What unconscious patterns or behaviors are ready to be brought to the light of day?

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