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Card of the Day- October 17, 2022

🌿🛸💖October 17, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙VORTEX💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)

💥AFFIRM-  I call back my power from all people, places, or things which knowingly or unknowingly hold on to my energy. I sever all energetic connections that do not serve my highest good.

⚡️KEY WORDS: Gather, Extract, Calling Back Your Power⚡️

A vortex is a whirling pool of water which pulls all things surrounding it back into itself. The way we call back our power works in the same way that a vortex does. Our energetic field pulls small pieces of our spirit back from whatever or whatever it may be attached to.

As we walk this Earth, small pieces of us are left behind.Sometimes, without knowing it, your energy can get caught in other people's spiritual vortexes and that can cause miscommunication of energies. This is why it is important to call back your power as a part of your daily ritual.

On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes people unintentionally hold on to your vibration. Your energy can give people a boost in their own life without knowing it and they may be using you as an energetic crutch to get by.

Your higher self and spirit team are calling you to incorporate the practice of calling back your power to assist you on your journey.


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