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Card of the Day- October 16, 2022

🌿🛸💖October 16, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙NAUTILUS SHELL💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)

💥AFFIRM-  I call in signs and synchronisties as confirmation that I am on the right path. I trust the messages that I receive.

⚡️KEY WORDS: Divine Timing, Patterns, Synchronicities⚡️

We each go about our day, none the wiser that there is a grand orchestration happening behind the scenes. Spirit does not sleep or take breaks. It is an eternal and everlasting force guiding you through the tides of life. Sometimes we may see glimpses of it… like when a particular animal crosses our path or we find a dear item that we lost long ago. It can be found in a song on the radio that makes us feel something or triggers a memory... or it may be a nudge that we receive to look at the clock at a very specific numerical pattern time. Whatever it is, you can be sure that once you open your spiritual eyes you will be tapped into the magickal ways that spirit communicates with us.

Though there are many ways spirit can speak to us, divine signs are one of the most powerful. In our waking and conscious life, synchronicities are a physical way in which spirit communicates to let us know that we are on the right path and that we are deeply loved. We all struggle at points in our life where we feel lost, forgotten, alone, and even unloved. These signs are small reminders that you are seen, you are protected, you are not lost, and spirit is always with you.

When you experience these small nudges, thank spirit and embrace the knowledge that all is being divinely orchestrated for your highest good. Trust your intuition and the messages that you receive.


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