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Card of the Day- October 15, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖October 15, 2023💖🛸🌿

LANCELOT (Mists of Avalon Oracle Cards)

Support your vision and honour the truth of your heart equally between your sense of duty and your emotional passion in this current situation. When you set your feet on the path to follow your hearts longing, you may find you need to make dramatic changes. Be true to yourself while allowing others to be true to who they are. Lancelot was once Camelot’s most honoured knight and King Arthur’s trusted friend, but the kingdom was brought down by his love for Arthur’s queen, Guinevere. Torn between a sense of duty and his hearts desire, Lancelot retreated into the wilderness to rebuild his life. What intoxicates you at the risk of losing all you have worked so hard for? The card of Lancelot is asking you to be aware of risking everything for something that may not ultimately make you happy and let you live happily ever after. It may not involve a romantic love- it may simply be that you can no longer abide by the life you have lived so far. You need to make a dramatic change to follow your hearts longing. In doing so, you may disappoint or lose some people in your life who won’t support your vision. Despite the seemingly perfect life, Lancelot feels unworthy and guilty of betraying Arthur. His heart and mind are in conflict. He wants to be true to himself and follow his heart, but not hurt others in the process. Know that insight comes from a contested space - a place of inner conflict. Without this struggle within yourself, you cannot truly join the quest and claim your own holy grail. On your quest for true love and self fulfillment you will be tested and challenged. In the end, honour the truth of your heart.

Mantra - I follow my heart.

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1 Comment

Oct 15, 2023

Wonderful words of wisdom.

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