🌿🛸💖October 14, 2023💖🛸🌿

SACRED UNION (Mists of Avalon Oracle Cards)
It is now a good time for bringing hopes, dreams and aspirations to fruition. Be joyful and open your heart. Celebrate vitality and love in all of its forms, whether it be friendship, romance or new passions. A sacred union is the result of a bright fire that lights the spark of passion and new life. This card has surfaced to let you know your personal world is about to expand and grow. It encourages you to be joyful, open your heart and be as one with your true love. Your never to old to love or be productive with a new career a home a car a project or new hobby/interests.
What is your passion? Often in life we must make choices, once we choose one path another is sacrificed. Take responsibility and ownership for the choices you have made. If you are in search of love the sacred union card assures you that the Goddess blesses those of us who appreciate our own sexuality and beauty. You will feel the core truth more deeply once you learn to love yourself, then you can give to and share love with another.
Mantra - I radiate joy and vitality

What a wonderful thought for the day. Thank you 😊