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Card of the Day- November 7, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖November 7, 2023💖🛸🌿

THE DRAGON (Mists of Avalon Oracle Cards)

Don't let fear stand in the way of achievement. Know that as you move forward, dragon's fiery breath will burn away any obstacles that keep you from reaching your potential. You have the power to burn through old self-limiting beliefs and redefine what it takes to be courageous, strong, and powerful. Act on your intuition, but be wise with your power.

The dragon comes to offer you strength, power, and broader perspective to help you on your journey. He is the protector of Earth and her inhabitants. He keeps order, and to do this he has to be strong. Both creator and destroyer, he appears to you when you need confidence in order to move forward and grow. He is the pathfinder and the moral compass.

The message here is that this is the time for you to act on your own deep inner wisdom. You must commit not to return to where you once were. Instead, gain valuable new awareness about yourself so that you can grow and become stronger. A final message is that you should not be attached to one way of being. Do not try to control everything, because you can't. Call on the dragon energy when you require courage and guidance so that it can galvanize you with strength. You know what is best for you... trust yourself. No more second guessing or people pleasing, at your own expense. Don't make yourself small or quiet to placate others. You are here to live a big life and to be full of joy- not to be walking on eggshells and constantly worried. You are supported and loved.

Mantra- I am powerful.

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Nov 07, 2023

Great card pick for the day.

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