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Card of the Day- November 22, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖November 22, 2023💖🛸🌿


Do you feel that things should be different, or that you feel you should be further along in life? Maybe you feel off track or behind? Are you working really hard and seeing little to no results? It's not you… this is the conditioning of the world. You have been trapped in an illusion and it is holding you back.

We live in a system that says you have to be different than you are in order to be accepted. We believe we have to work harder, faster, and stronger to be successful. We have been handed a belief that we are not enough and so we constantly strive to be something other than what we are. This same system tries to tell you that the answers you seek are outside of you. This constant search for endless outside approval is exhausting and you will never get enough of what you don't need. This is the great secret to life: the most precious of all things is already within you. As you realize this truth, striving becomes a habit of the past. When you move past the grand illusion of separation, you can relax into the present moment and BE more rather than DO more. This doesn't mean that you become complacent and bored… it just means you find more energy in the moment by creating from a place of your power within.

Your power is not outside of you. Your power IS YOU. Once you realize that never-ending achievement doesn't bring you what you are searching for, you are free from the matrix's manipulation. You need nothing outside of who you truly are. Rise up and activate your authentic light.

Mantra- Everything I need is inside of me.

Question: What freedom do I seek? Where am I limiting myself?

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