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Card of the Day- November 21, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖November 21, 2023💖🛸🌿

EVERYONE IS ON THEIR OWN PATH (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

This card comes as a reminder that every person on the planet is on their own journey, and your path is for YOU. We all have the same destination... to arrive at the truth of the love we ARE… but the ways we reach this awareness differ.

Know that you have different soul lessons from those around you. You can still honor your own growth while allowing others to be where they are. This calls for radical, compassionate acceptance. So often we want those around us to BE where we are, but this is not the law of life. Let people be in their own time and space and focus on your own journey. By doing this you will empower others with your presence and you will further move into alignment.

There is nothing to change or fix about anyone. You don't need to make their lives better or try to save anyone. Only they can do that for themselves. This doesn't mean you need to be a cold Ebenezer Scrooge, only focused on yourself... kindness and care for others is important. Help and support others in a way that empowers them... but remember that they have to do the work and make their own success and happiness too. Now is the time to focus on your own path and remember that you are on a very different path that requires faith and trust in yourself. This is an opportunity to look at where you have been giving power to others by trying to control HOW and WHO they are. Return to your power by staying on your own aligned path. There is great momentum here as you trust yourself and your divine plan.

Mantra- I focus on my path and personal growth and expansion.

Questions: What is taking my energy and focus from what I need to do? How can I empower myself to achieve my dreams?

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