IT'S ALL IN DIVINE ORDER. ALLOW. (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)
✨️️️️ I flow and I trust that everything is happening as it should.✨️️️️
There is a divine and perfect order to all of life... just look at nature
to see how everything has its right time and place. Yet it can sometimes be
hard to see how this plays out in the human experience.
Any stress and frustration in your life could be because you are resisting
what is. From a spiritual context, everything is connected and works
together. Divine order requires a radical surrender to a faith stronger
than your will.
This is your invitation to trust the unknown and believe in something
bigger than yourself. You are being called to stop the struggle. Look at
your life and see which areas you are pushing against. Surrender to the
flow, let yourself ride the current, and float forward. Allow.
Mantra- I flow and I trust that everything is happening as it should.
Question- How can I relax into the flow and go with the current of life?