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Card of the Day- November 20, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖November 20, 2023💖🛸🌿

NOTHING REAL CAN BE THREATENED (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

This card is an invitation to see the world with fresh eyes. Look around you and see the real world of love with compassion and joy, and participate in the activation of Heaven on Earth. The world in which we live is, in part, an illusion. It is not real in the sense of the things outside of us to which we give such importance. The material things… the likes, the follows, the outward forms of success, are not representative of our true worth. These are fictions created to pull you away from the image of love within you. Everything outside of you is a manipulated reality, but the real world is the one in your heart. The intangibles of hope, peace, joy, and love… these are your true power. Their truth can never be taken from you. They are yours because they are part of you. You can choose to allow these blessings to be part of your everyday life, or you can choose to stay and worry, fear, and discomfort. The choice is always yours.

You are being called to activate your inner light by seeing yourself as a child of the Divine, of God, of source energy. This world we live in is created for you to experience more of who you are and play in the wonder of it all. With this sense of acceptance, you will feel lighter, freer, and more purposeful. Make choices that are aligned with your truth and see the world within you as a beautiful place where all possibilities can manifest.

It always starts with you. You are the creator of your experience. Fear and doubt will try to threaten, but love cannot be threatened. When you are aligned with your truth, that of love, nothing can harm you.

Mantra- I am operating in a space and energy of love. I take ownership of my life, my choices, and my mindset. I am creating the life of my dreams.

Questions: How can I actively participate and creating heaven on Earth? What am I giving more importance to than it is due? How can I re-align with my inner self today?

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