🌿🛸💖November 15, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙BLUE CRAB💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oacle Cards)
💥AFFIRM- I will not allow past experiences to hinder me and keep me from experiencing the fullness that I know life has to offer.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Opening Up, Compromise, Allowing New Experiences⚡️
The Blue Crab spends its life at the bottom of the sea, living with the immense pressure of the entire ocean on its back. However, the crab was built with a hardened exterior to withstand it. As it grows, the crab sheds it shell but in that transitory phase it is left defenseless while its new shell hardens.
The spirit of the Blue Crab guides you through transitional periods in your life. You may believe that being vulnerable is akin to being weak. The spirit of the Blue Crab asks you to let your defenses down and understand that allowing new people and experiences into your life is not the same as "weakness or powerlessness." It is quite the opposite.
It takes an incredibly strong person, who has been hurt before, to allow themselves the gift of opening up to new people, relationships, and experiences. Don't let the past scare you off from a brighter future.

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