🌿🛸💖November 14, 2022💖🛸🌿

💙DOLPHIN💙 (Salt Water Spirit Oacle Cards)
💥AFFIRM- I am ready to make the changes and sacrifices necessary now in order to see my future goals be achieved.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Protection, Selflessness, Compassion, Sacrifice⚡️
Dolphins are the selfless and courageous spirits of the ocean. They have no problem placing themselves in front of danger to help others. Many stories have been told of dolphins saving people and animals from drowning... and from many other types of oceanic predators. They bring them back to the shoreline, giving those special souls a second chance at life. Dolphins do not fear the repercussions of their actions as they take everything into consideration and always choose that which is for the highest good of all.
The dolphin spirit asks you to analyze what sacrifices you can make to reach the divine vision of your life. The spirit of the dolphin lends those who ask the courage to blaze new paths that will affect your life- and the life of all future generations to come.
When you call on the spirit of the dolphin, don't be surprised if your heart fills up with compassion. As they fill us with a deep desire to help each other the spirit of the dolphin will encourage you to help others get back to their shoreline… so that they too can have another chance.

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