ANTELOPE: Shake, Release, Heal, Move On (Animal Apothecary Oracle Cards)
Animals, when attacked, will run and then shake to discharge the trauma energy and chemicals from their bodies. The genius of the body's movement is that the animal then does not have to suffer the debilitating effects of postraumatic stress disorder.
Antelope's medicine is literally telling you to MOVE. One powerful technique is to set an intention before and during your exercise routine. For example, before you go for a jog, you would say, "this movement is for me to let go of this resistance inside and overcome my current obstacle."
During your run you would repeat this over and over again. If you were about to do a yoga session, you might continuously repeat, "I'm dedicating this yoga practice to releasing my trauma, stepping into my power, and falling deeply in love with myself and my life." Connecting intention with movement yields powerful results.
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