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Card of the Day- May 8, 2023

🌿🛸💖May 8, 2023💖🛸🌿

OWL: Inner Truth (Animal Apothecary Oracle Cards)

Owl sees in the dark and knows what is not directly being shown. She is the master intuitive. In ancient Greek mythology, owl sat on the shoulder of Athena so that the goddess would know the whole truth at all times. If you are seeing this card, it is a message that you have a deep inner knowing and you can trust in this gift.

Whatever guidance you are currently seeking, this card is a confirmation that the answer will not only come, but it will come from within. Owl says it is okay to not always immediately know the right answer or what to do. Fear may arise and hide the truth of the situation from you, but you are being asked to sit in the confidence of your inner knowing. Patience is of the utmost importance. When you try and push to instruct your intuition to immediately "figure out" the answer, your intuition becomes strangled. All you need to know is that the guidance will come. Life will help you connect with your intuition to reveal the truth, figure out the best path, and do what is best for your growth.

You do know the answer and it will be revealed at the correct moment. Relax, trust, and flow.

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1 Comment

Lisa Galvan
May 09, 2023

I want to be an owl!

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