🌿🛸💖May 6, 2022💖🛸🌿
HOD: TELL THE TRUTH (Goddesses, Gods, & Guardians Oracle Cards)

When we follow too many societal norms we can quite easily lose some of ourselves, some of our true self. When we live the life we think we should live we stop living the life we want to live. In the modern world, there are so many societal expectations. We follow these "safe and comfortable" patterns and fall into preconceived roles as that is all we know, and ultimately we find comfort and security in it. It makes sense to most of us to follow these norms because they are comfortable. Sometimes we may need to check in with ourselves and ask, "is there something I am missing or want more of in my life?"
This card is here to invite you to look squarely at any truth that you have been avoiding. Be completely honest with yourself about your feelings. If you've made a mistake, do your best to make amends. Integrity is essential for a clear path ahead.
Sticking your head in the sand only works for so long. The truth always surfaces somehow. Once you face up to reality, you can access all the energy and support you need.
To live in your truth simply means to live as your most authentic self, doing things daily that bring you happiness and joy, living as true to yourself as possible. You can have anything you want. Now is the time to ask and act.
💥MANTRA: "Honesty is safe. The truth aligns me with my highest purpose."💥
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