🌿🛸💖May 5, 2023💖🛸🌿

LIZARD BRAIN: Breakthrough (Animal Apothecary Oracle Cards)
This card will appear when you are about to level up and have an amazing breakthrough, but you must be made aware that your lizard brain may attempt self-sabotage.
This card represents our unconscious reptilian brain, the limbic system. This part of our brain represents fear, flight, fight, addictions, and other emotional behaviors. It hates change and thinks it can keep you safe by pulling you back from taking important risks that can lead to great success. The lizard brain will drown you in fear of potential failure and tell you to stay where you are miserable because there is a strange safety in the familiarity of what you know.
You are being called to surpass the prehistoric programming of belief and behavior to evolve into who you know you can be. The art of your breakthrough is the determined effort to constantly question your perception. Take a moment to analyze a current obstacle or moment of resistance that you are dealing with. The obstacle is a golden nugget moment to challenge your perception. Examine the story in your mind's eye and see a different way to move forward or react. You may still feel fear and not fully believe in yourself, but the action of going forward is what will lead you to the critical breakthrough.
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