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Card of the Day- May 23, 2023

🌿🛸💖May 23, 2023💖🛸🌿

NOT SO COWARDLY LION: It's in You (Animal Apothecary Oracle Cards)

In the story of the Wizard of Oz, the Cowardly Lion traveled the Yellow Brick Road to get to the Emerald City to request what his heart most longed for: courage. Little did he know that during his entire frightening journey, he already possessed that which he sought so desperately. For in his heart, there roared a courage that was always his to claim.

The Cowardly Lion needed the outer journey to understand that which he most desired was always within. What you seek you also have inside of you. Do not give up the journey. Persevere and endure the uncertainty as you remember that having courage does not mean that you are fearless… it means you do the thing despite being scared.

What if everything you have been searching for is not only right in front of you, but it is in you? What if everything you've been chasing outside of yourself was part of you that you couldn't see within? What if you were looking at others to find the YOU that was screaming to be self-actualized? What if every beautiful quality you deeply want, you already possess?

Choose yourself and stop waiting for others to choose you. Stop running toward external validation to prove your worth and instead go inside and realize that everything you need you already have. You are amazing... see yourself with new eyes.


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