🌿🛸💖May 17, 2024💖🛸🌿

INNER EARTH (Gateway of Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray)
You are becoming fully aware of what you need in order to feel safe and fulfilled on planet Earth. Know that it is part of the divine plan for you to be incarnated upon this planet now, and although at times you may have felt unstable or that you have lost your way, you have been building up momentum to be where you are today. You are in a space where you can build powerful foundations, a space where you can lay out exactly what you need, who you need to be, and what you need to do to flourish and grow. You have the opportunity to reclaim parts of yourself that you’ve buried deep within and reclaim gifts you’ve abandoned. If you are starting any projects or are thinking about taking up something you’ve had on hold,now is the perfect time. The seeds you are planting are sending roots deep into the Mother Earth. You are held. You are supported.
Needed this 😊😊😊😊