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Card of the Day- March 9, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖March 9, 2024💖🛸🌿


Child Oracle Cards)

Within stillness, there is an invitation of being. As we move throughout our day, we most often take the well-worn paths. We walk each day without questioning their benefit to our lives, which could sometimes leave us feeling disconnected. Stillness can be a way to initiate connection with our senses and our inner being. It is also helpful in connecting with our inner child. Sometimes we need stillness to hear the voice within.


Reflect on the places, sounds, or environments that bring you a feeling of calm and safety. Once you have found your state of calm, put away all sources of stimulus and let yourself just be. Try to focus on what is before you or what you might be feeling inside of you. You can also take a nap or let your body drift through the in-between space of wakefulness and dreams. Naps or quiet rest periods are also a good reset when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed. What feelings come up inside of you when you practice stillness? If they are negative feelings, ask yourself why this may be.


This card also asks you to have patience with yourself, as you are growing and maturing at your own pace. There is no rush. Sometimes you need to be still before you can move forward.

((Please take a minute to click the video and give a like! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!))

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