🌿🛸💖March 8, 2022💖🛸🌿 Hummingbird Spirit "JOY" (The Sacred Forest Oracle Cards)

If you have been waiting until circumstances are different before you allow yourself to experience joy, you may have a long wait. Life is always changing. If you don't follow your bliss now, when will you? Your purpose in life is to experience joy! Take steps towards that now while protecting your personal boundaries. You don't need to do everything all at once, but you do need to start. Happiness spreads to others like wildfire... and can help heal the world. Open your heart to celebration and fun! Who told you that you need to suffer to grow? Your soul expands in leaps and bounds through following what brings you happiness and expressing your love. Embrace life, yourself, and others in the moment. All is well and it is getting even better when you radiate JOY. All the positive energy you put out comes back to you, magnified. #hummingbird #spirit #joy #guardian #oracle #oraclecards #cardoftheday #dailymessage #astrology #message #guidance #spirituality #oraclereadersofinstagram #metaphysical #protection #meditation #celeansing #healing #strength #blessing #psychic #intuition #intuitive #angels #light #manifest #positiveenergy #intentions #goodvibes