🌿🛸💖March 7, 2024💖🛸🌿

The only time we possess is the time we are presently in. While it is prudent to plan for the future, and wise to remember the past, the present is where our life truly resides. If we outsource our happiness to future plans or past memories, then we lose the gift of the present day. In the end, our life will amount to a collection of a million small moments, the moments of the everyday. If you are seeing this card, then it may be a time to focus on what is in front of you right now.
Bring your awareness to your body and your surroundings. Try not to let your mind drift toward future tasks or past memories. Let everything fall away and just be. Notice where you are and how you feel. Focus on the details of this present moment as an artist would. Look at the lights, shapes, shadows, colors, and textures of what is before you. Once you have connected with the present, take time to ask yourself if there is anything that needs to come forward now. You can just rest in this space and enjoy the beauty of the now.
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