🌿🛸💖Card of the Day- March 27, 2022💖🛸🌿
OUT OF THE WOODS. YOU'VE MADE IT THROUGH. "What newness is emerging?" (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

You have worked extremely hard to get where you are right now. All of that hard work has not been for nothing…. no sir, no ma'am. Bravery and determination are in alignment with the flow of the universe and they are rewarded. The pressure that you have been feeling is being released. You are free of the burdens that weighed you down. It may not feel like you are fully clear of the difficulty, but this card signifies you are much further along than you realize. The past can no longer affect you, and you are able to move forward. Take this time to celebrate as you enter a brand new phase of your life. You have grown and learned valuable life lessons. Thank your past for the blessings and disguise and celebrate that you are no longer stuck.
When you feel stressed, overwhelmed, scared, or stuck try this: Place your hand on your heart and repeat this mantra: "I am grateful for my strength and honor my well-being. I'm proud of how far I have come, and I appreciate all of my experiences. My resilience is my super-power. I am loved and protected by God and angels. Ancestors walk beside me. All is well. All will be well. I am at peace."
#survivor #awakening #lightattheendofthetunnel #chakras #journey #soultribe #expansion #selflove #spirit #activation #oracle #oraclecards #cardoftheday #dailymessage #tarot #astrology #message #guidance #spirituality #oraclereadersofinstagram #metaphysical #protection #meditation #cleansing #healing #strength #blessing #psychic #intuition #intuitive #light #manifest #positiveenergy #intentions #goodvibes