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Card of the Day- March 26, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖March 26, 2024💖🛸🌿

YOU ARE WANTED (Inner Child Oracle Cards)

You are brave. You might not think you are... but you ARE! Bravery looks like being your vulnerable self, just as you are, imperfections and all. Bravery looks like taking responsibility for meeting your own needs. It looks like taking back your opinion of yourself from the grip of the opinions of others. Bravery looks like staying tender when you want to harden, opening when you want to close, being generous in a time where everything feels scarce, letting go when you want to cling, and surrendering what you can’t control. All of these brave acts lead you back to the greatest treasure you have ever been looking for: radically belonging to yourself. The bravest hero’s journey of all is the one that leads you back to you. 

Abandonment is a wound that many of us carry. It is a tender place within us that mourns at the prospect of rejection. Such a sweet heart beats within those who have experienced the pain of being unwanted. Be gentle with yourself in the presence of this pain. At our core, we all crave connection and to be drawn into the embrace of a beloved soul. Your love is what this world needs. This world has much love to give you in return – if you will allow it to. Time to lower your defenses and move on from the hurts of the past. It is time to open your tender heart to the world again. Your love holds the potential to heal. 

You are meant to be happy and be loved. It's your birthright. If someone didn't see how amazing you are, or value you, that is their loss... and it means that the love you seek is still out there seeking you.

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