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Card of the Day- March 13, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖March 13, 2024💖🛸🌿


Disappointment can be a difficult emotion to experience and afterward it can be hard to have hope again. It is okay to be disappointed. Disappointment is an aspect of life that is inevitable... and being human is a messy journey full of twists and turns. We do the best we can with the knowledge we have but not everything turns out as we hope. In truth, no disappointments or mistakes make us any less beautiful or wonderful. If you are seeing this card, it might be a sign that the fear of disappointment is hindering your path. Practice courage and acceptance. There is always hope and happiness waiting for you just ahead.

((Please take a minute to click the video and give a like! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!))

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