🌿🛸💖March 10, 2024💖🛸🌿

Our bodies are a wonderful collection of our lived experiences. They hold for us our feelings, memories, and states of being... a living library of the subconscious. There is beauty in this collective, but there can also be pain particularly- for the inner child. Because of this, it is good to practice becoming aware of our body's current state of being.
In a comfortable place, you can close your eyes and bring your focus to your physical body. During this exercise, you may experience strong sensations in your body, no sensations in your body, or sensations that fall somewhere in between these extremes. All of these responses are normal and the purpose of this practice is to connect with your unique body. With your eyes closed, bring your awareness to the inside of your body and imagine what the space inside your head feels like. Imagine opening your eyes to the inside of your head and looking around at all your memories. What do you see? How does your head feel now that your gaze is focused? Inward to your body, take a few deep breaths, relaxing with each exhale. Practice bringing awareness again to the top of your head. Does it feel heavier, lighter, tense, or relaxed? Can you attribute any of the sensations to an emotion? Note how each area of your body feels, moving downward, stopping as you go along.
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