🌿🛸💖June 8, 2024💖🛸🌿

Prayer: Guardian Angel (Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette)
Your guardian angel asks you to open your heart and reconnect with your Divine higher power, the unconditional, eternally loving source for all of your needs. Your higher power's unlimited support and nurturing are available, now and always. You can connect with this unconditional love and soul nourishment through daily prayer. There is no wrong way to pray. Simply allow your heart to open and pour out your concerns, joys, worries, and questions.
Do not overthink this most natural inner communication. Your Higher Power knows your needs and hears your prayers in your heart. You are loved and always being helped, even when it might not feel like it.
This card reminds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. Your guardian angel assures you today that your prayers will be answered by your higher power. Pray for the best outcome, for everyone involved, in all matters.... rather than for only what you want in this moment.
At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. Ask: What is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wondrous than you can ever know. You are always protected and Divinely directed.