🌿🛸💖June 26, 2024💖🛸🌿

CELEBRATION: JOY GUIDES (Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette)
You are entering a period of celebration. Your joy guides are all right on hand to usher you into a season of personal harvest, success, and completion. This is a time when life gives back to you. You may enter a life-affirming relationship, receive an inheritance, land a promotion, close a deal, or just get along awaited lucky break. Whatever you desire, your joy guides are urging you to prepare for a beautiful blessing because it is surely coming.
Realize that as life's tides turn your way, the soon to be realized, positive flow of events isn't just a fluke or an accident, or the luck of the draw. Rather, it is the natural outcome of your unwavering loving efforts, hard work, and commitment to your dreams and goals.
Your angels encourage you to feel great optimism and hope! Show confidence in yourself and know that your recent ideas or newfound inspirations are God sent and will be fruitful. It is a good time to make long term plans for the future. Consider this card to be similar to the candles of a birthday cake. Close your eyes, smile, and make a wish!