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Card of the Day- June 23, 2023

🌿🛸💖June 23, 2023💖🛸🌿

PERFECT STORM: The courage to step into life. (The Shaman's Dream Oracle)

Bottom line? This card is a message to act now, gather the courage to step into life, and ride the storm.

When this card appears, it cautions you to be ready for an exciting, if turbulent, time. The winds are picking up, and you need to make sure that you are close to the eye of the storm or you will be buffeted by gusts that may take you far off from where you are meant to be. The key is to remain centered and balanced and bear witness as the forces build in intensity. Notice how the loose stuff is starting to fly around, and recognize how little of it you truly need.

If you are worried about what you might lose, know that it is those things we are most attached to that are taken first. Let it all go with the wind. The less you resist the change brought by the storm, the happier you will be. Ride the winds to your next destination. Remember that every time you try to argue with nature, you lose.

This is also a call for you to seize the moment. There might be a great opportunity that you need to take advantage of right now. Carpe diem! Time is of the essence and it may be gone quickly, so don't hesitate. Go ahead and bite off more than you can chew and take the storm on. You will succeed.


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