🌿🛸💖July 27, 2023💖🛸🌿

CLEAR WATERS: Clear vision. Confirmation. Right timing. Opportunity. (The Healing Waters Oracle)
Everything is coming together in supporting you right now. Potency is present. Alignment has arrived and potential is here. The waters before you are crystal clear, and what you are stepping into is of the highest potency. You know the way forward. There are clear seas ahead as you keep facing your true north and proceed onward.
This is a wonderful card with a very positive message. It suggests that something's come into your life that is a great big YES or you have been working on bringing aspects of your life into alignment and you are stepping into that energy now. A creative project, a new relationship, a new home, or a new phase of life. Whatever it is that you have been manifesting or longing for, it seems that you're clear about what you want and it is coming to fruition.
This card comes with positivity, confirmation, and a lot of promising potential. You are supported on your journey, and everything is opening up for you. Keep your gaze ahead of you and don't get distracted by what others are doing or by other things that you could be doing. You know what to do and have been working on this for a long time. Enjoy this moment and embrace the clarity and the vision as you receive all that you have created, and will continue to create, for yourself and the world.
Affirm to yourself: "I embrace the clarity and potency of what is before me. I say YES and proceed ahead."
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