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Card of the Day- July 23, 2023

🌿🛸💖July 23, 2023💖🛸🌿

THE SWEET WATERS: Sensuality. Romance. Enjoyment. Fertility. Balance. (The Healing Waters Oracle)

In mythology, the sweet waters are associated with the fresh waters of the Earth and with the sweet breast milk of the Great Mother. Osun, an orisha(deity) of Nigeria’s Yoruba people, is associated with water, fertility, sensuality, and love, and also with the color yellow, honey, and bees. Osun is a great Mother Goddess who brings balance to Earth and to humanity, and she’s also referred to as the mother of the orphans.

We know that we need fresh water to survive, and yet we’ve not been protecting and appreciating the very thing that sustains us. When the waters are clean and protected, Life is in balance and the world is fertile.

This card is an invitation to enjoy the simple, sweet pleasures of Life. To appreciate the fertility of nature all around you. To tend to your own garden and the sweet waters of your life.

How can you recognize, receive, and enjoy the sweetness of your life a little bit more?

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