🌿🛸💖July 1, 2024💖🛸🌿

LEAP OF FAITH: GUARDIAN ANGEL (Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards by Sonia
You are guided to take a leap of faith and make a significant change in your life. This feeling may be prompted by your intuition alone. There is no rational evidence to support what you feel in your heart, not yet anyway. Nevertheless, your intuition is reliable and can be trusted. Your guardian angel encourages you to trust your heart and take the leap of faith that you feel so strongly called to make.
Do not ask those around you for their opinion. Only share your inner calling with people who you are certain will support you. Or better yet... simply take the leap of faith you feel called to make before others try to discourage or stop you.
Your guardian angel encourages you to go inward and pray for confidence and protection as you move forward. Ask the universe to reassure you as you go forward and know that the changes you're considering will be the answers to your prayers. The leap you make will open a door to your heart's desire. You are safe and the only real risk you face right now is ignoring your intuition and doing nothing.