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Card of the Day- January 9, 2023

Writer's picture: Katherine ObregonKatherine Obregon

🌿🛸💖January 9, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙HALLS OF AMENTI INITIATION💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)

💥CONNECT: Imagine you are at the great Pyramid. Above it's Apex, a portal opens, drawing you in period see yourself at the center of the sacred temple. Set clear intentions to align with your higher purpose and receive a transmission of ancient wisdom.

⚡️KEY WORDS: Secrets revealed. Treasures uncovered. Initiations.⚡️

The Halls of Amenti are a sacred learning space that was energetically transported by Thoth from Atlantis- to the spiritual plane- before Atlantis came to an end. It is said that the portal to this etheric retreat is energetically connected to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Many believe that the physical remains of these halls can be found there. The good news is that we don't have to physically visit Egypt to access their energies. If you feel drawn to these halls, or they seem oddly familiar, there is a chance you have visited them in dreamtime or even before this incarnation.

The message for today is that you are in a deep initiatory chamber at this time. You might feel that things are heavy and challenging, but know that a reconfiguration is happening. Energetically, you are going through an initiation that will allow you to go beyond the fears of the ego and transcend the limitations of the physical realm. You might not feel that light is present, because you are in the middle of this phase at the moment, but know that it IS PRESENT within you. You might be feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, but a lot of the anxiety is actually old energies that were stored in the depths of your body being released so that your vibration can rise.


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