🌿🛸💖January 28, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙SIRIUS STAR BLESSINGS💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Find an image of Sirius online or look for the star in the sky. Imagine a great beam of light coming down from it and washing over your being. Know that the electric blue frequency will be supporting you as you move forward.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Yes. Proceed. Be seen. Push through.⚡️
The message that comes with this gateway is a giant "yes." It brings the energy of wishing on a star and seeing that wish coming true. This is a time for you to move forward with any projects or ideas that you have felt called to carry out. There is an energy of positivity, abundance, and excitement surrounding you at this time. Whatever dreams you have been revisiting recently aren't dreams, but premonitions.
Know that whatever you're connecting with on the inside is soon something you'll be experiencing in the physical. Think about what you desire instead of what you fear. See yourself celebrating as if your wildest dreams have already come true. As you do so, you will be creating the perfect energy for them to manifest into your world.
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