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Card of the Day- January 28, 2022

Writer's picture: Katherine ObregonKatherine Obregon

🌿🛸💖Card of the Day- January 28, 2022💖🛸🌿

MANIFEST (Dream Reading Cards)

Okay so full disclosure on this one, last night I asked my spirit guides for a sign or guidance about things going on in my life. I needed some direction from spirit because my anxiety was spiking and it felt like an avalanche was coming. In my dreams I spoke to my grandmother and she encouraged me with the warmth and pure love that has never died or faded away. She reminded me to focus on the good and give attention to what really matters. To not get caught up in the little annoyances and the poor behavior of others... because at the end of the day it doesn't really matter or bring anything worthwhile to me. I saw meditation, praying, determination and drive, and most of all- consistency. Consistency was the key to everything. Consistent boundaries and behaviors. Consistent love and attention to the people who matter. Consistent positive mindset. Consistent work on achieving goals. At the end of the dream I saw the word MANIFEST blinking like a neon light as it radiated positive energy and peace. I woke up and decided to pull the card that was scheduled for today, to deliver this message instead:

All is unfolding as it should. The timing is just right for your dreams, desires, and goals to manifest. You've put in put in the hard work and now it is time to reap the rewards. Just like a garden, you have planted the seeds of hope, tilled and watered the soil with love and care, and now you will enjoy the fruits of your labors.

Every thought creates a reality. Negative thoughts attract negative experiences while positive thoughts bring about positive experiences. It is called the "law of attraction." If you want to manifest your desires, you have to be willing to clear all blocks and BELIEVE that you deserve this.

Learn to manifest by bringing your negative thoughts to the surface and then clear them. Cancel negative thoughts and beliefs. Delete them from your mental hard drive. This process will allow for positive manifestations to enter your life.

Only you choose how to make your life joyful. If you want to experience love, you must be willing to love yourself first, and give rather than simply receive love. As you feel love for yourself, you will attract more love.

Stay open for signs from the universe. Be clear about what you want. Spend time feeling what it's like... as if you already have it. The law of attraction states that if you believe it, then it is already here. Live it. Feel it.

Accept that you are the co-creator of your life and that everything is going according to the greater plan for you. Trust that you will be given everything that you need, and be ready for miracles.


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