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Card of the Day- January 23, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖January 23, 2024💖🛸🌿

BE REAL- FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS (Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards)

Sometimes, we pursue someone or something for all the wrong reasons. Our ego gets involved and before we know it, we are driving ourselves crazy by chasing something that might not even be right for us. This card reminds you that sometimes you need to back off a little and worry less as you trust more. Life is about fun and laughter... but you'll take all the fun out of it if you spend too long in your head rather than in your heart. You might win, but it might not be a great victory. Release what doesn't feel right and just enjoy the moment. Trust yourself. You know what is right and meant for you.

Manifesting Balance: Find a balance between being real and trying to please others all the time.

Manifesting Mindset: Life goes in cycles and that's okay. The more you can accept that, the easier this phase will be for you.

Manifestation Affirmation: "The truth empowers me and sets me free."

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1 comentário

23 de jan.

So much truth in this card. So much wow 😮

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